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  • Writer's pictureandybram69

Sister Act

"Sister Act is Fabulous Baby!”

By Vicky - NorthEastKids

I grew up watching Sister Act the movie so I was very excited to see it for the first time on the stage.

Opening night of any show is always a special one to go to and this was no exception, the atmosphere was bouncing and looking around the theatre it was evident that this show was loved by all walks of life, with a very diverse audience.

Very like the film, the show follows the story of Deloris Van Cartier as she hides undercover in witness protection in a convent but the glitz and glamour is definitely pushed up a notch in the stage show.

The casting is brilliant and Lesley Joseph as Mother Superior was very clever considering her best known character Dorian Green in Bird’s of A Feather, is a far cry from this. She is hilariously funny and her mannerisms are on point and have the audience laughing throughout.

Sandra Marvin as Deloris was something else, the voice that lady has is another level, a true vocal powerhouse. She delivered her comedic lines perfectly and the audience were in engrossed from the opening number.

The nuns were hilarious and their acting was fantastic, I especially loved Lizzie Bea playing the shy Sister Mary Robert, watching her grow through the show and shine on stage was fantastic. The whole cast blew the audience out of the water.

I was impressed with the use of lighting to change the mood of the scene and the set was very clever and effective. Using simple props but making it feel like a new room with each change.

Sister Act The Musical is full of joy, fun and is extremely entertaining. Telling the story of friendship and packed with uplifting musical throughout. I couldn’t stop swaying in my seat. This colourful, upbeat musical is unmissable and a must see!

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